THYROID SUPPORT - 60 Capsules –
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20,49 €


What is THYROID SUPPORT from Pure Nutrition?

A healthy food supplement that combines ingredients to improve thyroid function, speed up metabolism and overall health.

Thyroid functions:
The thyroid gland is a small butterfly-shaped gland located in your throat, just behind the Adam's apple. Because it serves as the body's thermostat - constantly regulating things like temperature, hunger levels and energy expenditure - thyroid problems can cause widespread symptoms.
Thyroid disorders and thyroid disease can have a negative impact on almost every area of ​​your life. From weight problems to depression and / or anxiety, the thyroid gland is vital to keeping your physical, mental and emotional life in balance.
There are two main types of thyroid problems: hypothyroidism (inactive thyroid) and hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid).
Hypothyroidism is a far more common type of thyroid problem. Most people with hypothyroidism are women, especially those of childbearing or middle age.
The thyroid gland controls many aspects of metabolism, including regulating the production of various hormones that allow the body to perform vital functions - such as digestion and reproduction. Sometimes the thyroid gland pumps too many or too few specific hormones. Both scenarios are problematic for things like weight management and mood stabilization, although the symptoms caused by these two types of hormonal imbalances affect people differently.
Two of the most important hormones that the thyroid gland produces are called T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine). These two hormones, once released by the thyroid gland, travel through the body through the bloodstream, converting oxygen and calories into energy. This energy is crucial for cognitive functions, mood regulation, digestive processes, healthy sexual desire and much more.

The most common symptoms of hypothyroidism are:

  • Constant fatigue, lethargy and sometimes depression or low motivation to exercise
  • Mood and sometimes anxiety
  • Intolerance to cold and frequent feeling of cold
  • Dry hair and skin - skin may feel cool to the touch and toes may look blue / purple in some cases
  • Brain fog, problems with concentration and forgetfulness
  • Husky voice
  • Unexplained weight gain
  • Constipation, bloating and other digestive problems
  • Muscle weakness, sometimes pain and other discomforts

Symptoms of hyperthyroidism usually include:

  • Nervousness or symptoms of anxiety
  • Insomnia and sleep problems
  • Racing heart
  • Eyes that look large and sometimes protruding
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • High amounts of sweating
  • Muscle weakness
  • Numerous bowel movements
  • Thin, brittle hair

How to deal with thyroid problems?

THYROID SUPPORT is a combination of ingredients that stimulate the proper function of this small but very important gland.
The formula combines some of the following ingredients:
Iodine, zinc, selenium, vitamin B-12 - Iodine is a key mineral to help convert and release thyroid hormones, but iodine-rich foods (such as seaweed) are limited in the typical Western diet. Selenium helps balance the levels of T4 hormones, and zinc and vitamin B-12 are needed for thyroid health and may be missing from your diet, especially if you rarely eat animal foods.
Ashwagandha - The herb is very useful for normalizing thyroid levels in people with hypothyroidism. It is an adaptogenic herb that has anti-anxiety, antidepressant and anti-inflammatory properties,
Bladderwrack - an algae that improves thyroid health and is likely to help with weight loss.

Why choose THYROID SUPPORT from Pure Nutrition?

  • Highly concentrated formula to improve thyroid function
  • Natural ingredients
  • GMP quality certificate


Supplement Facts
Serving Size 2 Capsule
Servings 30

Suggested usage

Take 2 capsules daily with food